The oldest cache in our inventory, we adopted GCR6VQ Slipstream No. 2 Cache from the legendary X-TREME GPS Team (via AlyseLuvsMike who left the hobby).
This is a typical Team hide, a nice big container in a woodsy enclave in suburban Victoria. It’s had a LOT of visitors over the years.
Not too long after we adopted the cache, we found that the logbook – which we are pretty sure was the original one from 2005 – was getting full. There was still space to sign, of course, it was after all a fairly large book for a cache. But we were getting complaints that the log was full, so we reluctantly changed it out for a new one.
In keeping with our aim to preserve the history of this adopted X-TREME GPS Team cache, we have decided to scan the entire original logbook and share it with you here on our blog. If you have ever visited this cache, see if you can find your signing! Mine’s on page 83, Sep. 7, 2010.
I think the most amazing thing this logbook documents is how physical logging has changed over the years. Where today a log is lucky to get anything more than a cacher name and find date (and too often the date is left off), in the early years of this log we see logs that take up most of a page, with more content than you would even see in an online log!