Same planet, different world.

Tag: GeoWoodstock XVIII

  • GeoWoodstock: SO MANY TRACKABLES!

    There never was any way I was going to discover them all, even if all I did all day was run around taking pictures! Every kind you can imagine was spotted at GeoWoodstock: nametags, cars, clothes, travel bugs, geocoins – even tattoos! Here’s a video montage of SOME of the trackables.


  • Yet another new icon: Locationless

    Some time ago Groundspeak published and locked the first Locationless (Reverse) cache in a very long time. GC9FAVE “Discovered while geocaching – Locationless Cache” was unlocked this morning, and will remain available until the end of 2024. Unless Groundspeak gets into the habit of publishing more, this icon in my stats will likely forever have…


  • Road to GeoWoodstock: Planning Finds

    In my last post I made mention that I intended for Canada’s First Giga to be my milestone 1,500th find. Yesterday I reached 1,496 meaning I have three finds to make before I log “Attended” for the Giga. Of course, with side events that are happening before and during GWXVIII, this means I have to…


  • Road to GeoWoodstock: Parting Gift!

    I was sitting on 1,495 finds when I got up this morning, and I had planned to not cache anymore until I reached GeoWoodstock XVIII – the idea being that I would get a couple of side events and local caches logged before hitting find #1,500 with the Giga-event itself! Well, it seems the local…


  • Road to GeoWoodstock: Mama me0w

    So here’s what happened. Waaaay way back in the old 2010’s (2019 to be exact) not too long after the announcement of GeoWoodstock XVIII, I decided to splurge and get the VIP registration package. It comes with special parking, a special seating area, lunch, and a s—ton of swag. Sweet deal right? After the two…


  • Road to GeoWoodstock: Early geo-coin

    Note the date on this geo-coin I purchased at the beginning of the pandemic. I wonder if I’ll be able to get a companion coin with the revised 2022 date when I get to GWXVIII?


  • Road to GeoWoodstock: the Announcement!

    I love the sense of humour of the Landsharkz crew. Today a mini-me0w and I attended Yet Another Tim Horton’s Event cache, but we had to leave early due to m-ggle commitments elsewhere. We arrived, said our hellos, ate a donut, signed the log book and off we went. Later today, the event hosts changed…
