Our Caches – Slipstream No. 2
The oldest cache in our inventory, we adopted GCR6VQ Slipstream No. 2 Cache from the legendary X-TREME GPS Team (via AlyseLuvsMike who left the hobby). This is a typical Team hide, a nice big container in a woodsy enclave in suburban Victoria. It’s had a LOT of visitors over the years. Not too long after…
Got a bone to pick
Today we found a cache with a bit different camo. I’m not going to say which cache this is (there are no spoilers in this blog!) but the hint was “your dog might be better at finding this than you”. Here’s Lili me0w with what we found:
It’s a bomb, not a geocache!
A few weeks ago I weighed in on a local bomb scare that turned out to be a geocache (although to this day no one knows which cache it was!). More recently, the opposite has turned up – a cylindrical smoke flare accidentally dropped from a helicopter, into an area where it could, conceivably, be…
Some interesting cache containers and camouflages
Here are a few of the more interesting hides I have found recently. In order to avoid creating any spoilers, I have not identified any of them. The only thing they have in common is that they are all located in Greater Victoria! Cache owners, leave a comment if you recognize your caches here! EDIT…
Skirt Lifters
I think I have a favourite kind of urban hide: The Lamp Post Cache (LPC), aka the Skirt-lifter. Aside from the obvious smirk you get from the nickname, they really are a great urban camouflage. LPCs are hides located under the skirt of a lamp-post or other similar device. Typically, the skirt conceals the bolts…
In the news (for all the wrong reasons)
A couple of years ago, someone mistook GC3ARXX “Ginger’s Walk #16” for a bomb! This was probably not the craziest idea a muggle could have had about geocaches, as many of the Ginger’s Walk series are made of camoed PVC pipe with endcaps and could, in the wrong light (and with a paucity of knowledge)…
I brought an army!
A few weeks ago, Maddie me0w’s Brownies leader casually mentioned that the group was scheduled to finish out the guiding year with a geocaching expedition. I, apparently unable to keep my mouth shut when I ought to, squealed “Ooo, I’m into that!” Next thing I knew, I was voluntold into not just tagging along, advising…